Friday, February 25, 2005

Oscar Weekend Blues

Before beginning, I should say I don't have high hopes for this blog. I asked my wife if she would be part of the traffic I hoped to "generate." She refused, saying, "All I do is listen to you blog, day and night."

Can it be true that we're being forced to consider the horribly callow, relentlesslly untalented Leonard DiCaprio and a b-movie about boxing Oscar worthy? We don't have a choice, right? They maybe be mediocre, but business considerations (when their name's attached, pitures get made) force us to pretend that they are towering talents as well. A few years ago, don't you remember that Madonna was waging a war for Academy consideration? She won a Golden Globe for Evita, and it all seemed like a combination of mass delusion and relentless marketing would make her "Academy Award Winning Actress" Madonna. It was all too dark to consider. But we all ignored her, and she obligingly---more or less--- went away. I feel the same would happen if we ignored both Leo and Clint. More or less. Oh, Leo would hang around, I suppose, but wouldn't we tire of him as we did of Rob Lowe? At least until older and wiser and a bit creased, and he returned to us in a television series with great production values. There, his talent would find an appropriate home. With Mr. Eastwood, we can count on his every third movie being worthy. So, if we wait him out on this one---which so clearly isn't worthy, won't he return in two years with a better one? Then, we can bestow the Oscar for his life time achievement. Not that we have a say in any of this. It's all in Harvey Weinstein's hands, I guess. And there are the dresses they all keep telling us to look at. I am kind of excited about those I guess.